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Explore 1 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in Sunny Isles

Hello and Welcome to this UCPlaces tour of Sunny Isles and Bal Harbour, Florida, on behalf of Our local Real Estate Broker Rita Japhet. Rita has 20 years of experience in Luxury Real Estate. Her specialty IS luxury properties and she is fluent in French, Italian and Spanish. By evaluating marketing trends, Rita has been instrumental in selling over 200 new construction units to a wide range of clients in the United States, South America and Europe. If after the tour you want to learn more, make sure to contact Rita at (305) 450-6662 or send her an email at rita@sunnyislesrealestate.com. Now let’s talk about Sunny Isles. Sunny Isles is a city on a barrier island, nestled right between the Atlantic Ocean and the Intercoastal Highway. Sunny Isles is often referred to as “Florida's Riviera”, with over two and half miles of pristine beaches. Bal Harbour, just south of Sunny Isles, is known for its upscale shopping along with being a hub for luxury resorts and white sandy beaches. The great part of the Sunny Isles/Bay Harbour area is that it’s situated right between Miami and Fort Lauderdale, making the city scene only a drive away, while giving you the chance to have a beach oasis away from all the urban commotion. It’s the best of both worlds. To start this tour, meet me over by the Four Seasons Surf Club.

Places: 8 POIs Distance: 7.53 mi Duration: 30m