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Explore 2 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in Poland

#1865 mode
Egyptian Museum

Hello and welcome to this UCPlaces tour of Warsaw Poland. Sometimes referred to as the "Phoenix City" because of its rebirth and reconstruction after World War II. Warsaw is known for its rich history, music scene, lively culture, and delectable cuisine. My name is Dave, and I will be showing you around today. We will begin today on the edge of Old Town Warsaw on Krasinskich Street. There are parking lots on each side of the street if you drove here, or if you used public transportation, there are stops here as well. Follow your navigation, and let's explore!

#1855 mode
Egyptian Museum

Hello and welcome to this UCPlaces tour of Wroclaw Poland. This wondrous city in eastern Poland has seen it all and has the scars to prove it. Sometimes referred to as the “Venice of The North '' due to its large number of waterways and islands is sure to provide curious visitors a journey to remember. Our tour will begin on the banks of the Fosa Miejska canal, boasting several memorials, monuments and beautiful scenery. There is a large underground parking garage here under Wolności Square that is a suitable place to embark from. It is part of the National Forum of Music building. The top of the parking garage is sometimes used by local vendors during festivals, and is also sometimes used as an area to skate. The entrance to the parking lot is from Krupnicza and Zamkowa streets. The entrances and elevators to the parking lot from the square level are covered with glass shelters. Ok, let’s get going and see Wroclaw!