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Explore 7 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in Italy

#2117 mode
Egyptian Museum

Driving along the Amalfi Coast is an unforgettable experience that combines breathtaking scenery with the thrill of navigating one of the world’s most picturesque and curvy coastal roads. This stretch of coastline in southern Italy, renowned for its dramatic cliffs, charming villages, and azure waters, offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural richness. As you make your way along the serpentine roads that hug the cliffs, you’ll encounter a series of enchanting towns, each with its own distinct character and allure. On this 14 mile drive, we begin in the town of Positano, known for its colorful houses and stunning beaches. Learning about the culture of the Amalfi Coast, and all of its history, we will drive through smaller villages until we arrive in the official town of Amalfi, a bustling town filled with food, art, history, and so much energy. We have so much to experience here along the coast of southern Italy, and I promise it really will live up to your expectations. So what do you say? Let’s get driving!

#1868 mode
Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Venice! Today, we will walk a lovely journey through some of the most influential spots in all of the city. This floating masterpiece, built upon a network of over 100 small islands connected by a web of canals and bridges, paints a portrait of architectural magnificence that has captivated travelers for centuries, and I'm sure it will do the same for you. Its very essence exudes a sense of romanticism and intrigue, inviting wanderers to delve into its storied past and unparalleled charm. So what do you say? Let's begin!

#1867 mode
Egyptian Museum

Welcome to the beautiful east coast of Sicily. With the clearest blue waters, lush landscapes, and medieval villages, the east coast really has it all. Today, we will be traveling between three medieval villages, each having their own unique personality. We will begin our driving tour in Taormina, a lively town with so many stories. Then, we will wind up towards Castelmola to learn about their specialities and their history. Coming back down, we will share tidbits and even some folklore as we drive along the coast, officially arriving at Sacova, the cinematic home of the Godfather movies. We have a lot to do today, so let's get going!

#1815 mode
Egyptian Museum

Hello and welcome to this UCPlaces Tour of Florence, Italy. Nestled with the Arno River, this wonder in Tuscany unfolds as a city that abounds in history and the arts. Spanning its compact expanse, the historic city center beckons—a labyrinth of narrow alleys and charming piazzas that cradle the essence of this Renaissance jewel. As we traverse this UNESCO-listed World Heritage Site city, we'll journey through time, encountering not only the magnificent edifices of the Renaissance but also the remnants of 14th-century medieval walls that once stood as vigilant sentinels of protection around the city. We'll visit some of the most iconic landmarks not only in Florence, but all of Italy. I hope you enjoy this tour!

#1745 mode
Egyptian Museum

Benvenuto! Welcome to Milan! Get ready to explore the treasures of this fascinating city. As we embark on this journey, we will uncover the rich history, cultural landmarks, and iconic attractions that define Milan. From the magnificent Milan Cathedral to the world-renowned La Scala Opera House, and from the vibrant fashion district to the historic Brera neighborhood, Milan has something to captivate every visitor. So, put on your walking shoes and let's begin this immersive adventure through the streets of Milan, where history, art, and Italian charm await at every turn. Enjoy the tour!

#1723 mode
Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Historic America & UCPlaces' audio walking tour of Rome! I'm your tour guide, Aaron Killian. Today we'll be walking through the historic core of this eternal city! We will wend our way through grand Renaissance piazzas, admire the great fountains adored by generations of Romans, enjoy the magnificence of the city's palaces, marvel at the great monuments of the city's ancient founders, and take glimpses back into the majestic history of this city and its people. We can't wait to share all this and more with you! To get started, make your way to the palace with the French flag - otherwise known as the Palazzo Farnese.

#528 mode
Egyptian Museum

MEET THE IMPERIAL PORT OF THE HABSBURGS-TRIESTE Hello, my name is Marijana and I will be your tour guide throughout Trieste city. I am happy to be with you over the next few hours and I will be glad to introduce you to this wonderful coastal city of Northern Italy. I wish you a wonderful journey through the history of Trieste. Trieste is a place where many religions meet: the main churches have been located for centuries. There are also different architectural styles of its buildings: neoclassicism, secession, and baroque style, harmoniously complement each other, as well as Roman ruins and buildings from the 18th century. The enchanting city Trieste, strtches between the sharp Karst to the Adriatic sea and offers the experience of a unique and unforgettable stay. As a border area and trading port with a turbulent past from ancient times to modern days. Our first starting point will be Piazza del Unita Italia or the main square in Trieste.