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Explore 178 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in Usa

Egyptian Museum

Willkommen im Glacier-Nationalpark, einer atemberaubenden Wildnis in den Rocky Mountains von Montana. Bekannt als die "Krone des Kontinents" erstreckt sich dieser nationale Schatz über eine Fläche von über einer Million Morgen und bietet Besuchern die einmalige Gelegenheit, majestätische Gipfel, kristallklare Seen, dichte Wälder und mehr als zwei Dutzend aktive Gletscher zu erkunden. Als UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe anerkannt, wird der Glacier-Nationalpark für seine vielfältigen Ökosysteme und lebendige Tierwelt gefeiert. Heimat von Grizzlybären, Bergziegen, Elchen und Hunderten von Vogelarten, ist er ein Paradies für Naturliebhaber und Fotografen. Der Park ist zudem reich an Geschichte, mit Spuren der indigenen Kulturen und Überbleibseln der Great Northern Railway. Ein Besuch im Glacier-Nationalpark verspricht atemberaubende Anblicke, darunter die ikonische Going-to-the-Sun Road, ein 50 Meilen langes ingenieurtechnisches Meisterwerk, das sich durch das Herz des Parks schlängelt – und glücklicherweise unser Weg für den Tag! Unterwegs können Sie dramatische alpine Landschaften, rauschende Wasserfälle und blühende Wiesen erleben. Egal, ob Sie aufregende Wanderungen suchen, ruhige Picknicks am See genießen oder einfach die Natur hautnah erleben möchten, der Glacier-Nationalpark bietet für jeden etwas. Es ist ein Ort, an dem Abenteuer und Ruhe koexistieren, und ein absolutes Muss für Entdecker aller Art.

Egyptian Museum

Добро пожаловать, искатели приключений, на оживлённые и исторические улицы Нижнего Манхэттена! Сегодня мы погружаемся в самую суть Нью-Йорка, исследуя легендарные районы, где небоскрёбы соседствуют со столетними памятниками. Здесь сила Уолл-стрит встречается с зеленью Бэттери-парка, и на каждом углу вас ждёт история. Мы обязательно затронем многие аспекты истории Нью-Йорка, некоторые из которых довольно мрачные, но все без исключения важные. Но это не значит, что мы не будем веселиться! Прежде чем начать, вот интересный факт: знаете ли вы, что термин «Большое яблоко» стал популярным благодаря обозревателю конных скачек в 1920-х годах? Он использовал его, чтобы описать крупные призы на скачках в Нью-Йорке. Кто бы мог подумать, что прозвище города связано с лошадьми? А если говорить о необычных историях, ходят слухи, что если вы сумеете увернуться от такси здесь, то сможете увернуться от чего угодно! Так что затягивайте шнурки, берите камеру, и отправляемся в путешествие по улицам, где рождаются мечты, а каждый момент — больше, чем жизнь. Готовьтесь влюбиться в Нью-Йорк, одна невероятная достопримечательность за другой!

Egyptian Museum

Bienvenue, aventuriers, dans les rues vibrantes et historiques du Lower Manhattan ! Aujourd'hui, nous plongeons dans le cœur battant de New York, explorant les quartiers légendaires où les gratte-ciels côtoient des monuments centenaires. C’est ici que le pouvoir de Wall Street rencontre la verdure de Battery Park, et chaque rue a une histoire à raconter. Nous couvrirons de nombreux aspects de l'histoire de New York, certains plus sombres que d'autres, mais tous tout aussi nécessaires. Mais cela ne veut pas dire que nous n'allons pas nous amuser ! Avant de commencer, voici une anecdote amusante : saviez-vous que le terme « Big Apple » a été popularisé par un chroniqueur de courses hippiques dans les années 1920 ? Il l’utilisait pour décrire les gros prix des courses à New York. Qui aurait cru que le surnom de la ville avait une telle origine équine ? Et parlant d’origines insolites, on dit que si vous pouvez éviter un taxi ici, vous pouvez éviter n’importe quoi ! Alors, serrez bien vos lacets, prenez votre appareil photo, et partons à l’aventure dans ces rues où les rêves prennent vie et où chaque instant est plus grand que nature. Préparez-vous à tomber amoureux de New York, un monument incroyable à la fois !

Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Glacier National Park, a breathtaking expanse of pristine wilderness nestled in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. Known as the "Crown of the Continent," this national treasure spans over one million acres, offering visitors an unparalleled opportunity to explore towering peaks, crystal-clear lakes, dense forests, and over two dozen active glaciers. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Glacier National Park is celebrated for its diverse ecosystems and vibrant wildlife. Home to grizzly bears, mountain goats, moose, and hundreds of bird species, it’s a haven for nature enthusiasts and photographers. The park is also steeped in history, with evidence of Native American heritage and remnants of the Great Northern Railway's legacy. A visit to Glacier promises awe-inspiring sights, including the iconic Going-to-the-Sun Road, a 50-mile engineering marvel that winds through the heart of the park. And lucky for us, our route for the day! Along the way, you can experience dramatic alpine scenery, cascading waterfalls, and lush meadows dotted with wildflowers. Whether you're seeking thrilling hikes, serene lakeside picnics, or simply the chance to reconnect with nature, Glacier National Park offers something for everyone. It’s a place where adventure and tranquility coexist, making it a must-visit destination for explorers of all kinds.

Egyptian Museum

Explore sunny San Diego with Historic America and UC Places. The Embarcadero or “landing place” invites guests to explore the rich maritime history and culture of Southern California. Highlights on this walking tour include Seaport Village, Tuna Harbor and the Maritime Museum. Meet me in front of the Manchester Grand Hyatt, at the intersection of West Harbor Drive and Kettner Blvd. See you there!

Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Yellowstone National Park—America’s wildest playground and a land of awe-inspiring wonder! Imagine stepping into a world where geysers explode, rainbow-colored hot springs bubble with vibrancy, and mighty bison roam freely against a backdrop of towering peaks and sweeping valleys. This isn’t just any park; it’s a 2.2-million-acre marvel that spreads across three states, where every corner holds a new adventure. From dramatic canyons to roaring waterfalls and dense forests brimming with wildlife. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker, nature lover, or just ready for a breath of fresh mountain air, Yellowstone offers a front-row seat to nature’s most spectacular show. So grab your camera, roll down those windows, and get ready to explore one of Earth’s last wild frontiers—Yellowstone is calling!

Egyptian Museum

Hello and welcome to this UCPlaces tour of Acadia National Park, on the north eastern coast of Maine. My name is Dave, and it will be my pleasure serving as your co-pilot today. This scenic driving tour of Acadia National Park begins near Bar Harbor at the historic Sieur de Monts Spring, where you'll explore the Wild Gardens of Acadia and the Nature Center. From there, you'll wind through the charming village of Otter Creek, taking in coastal vistas as you approach the stunning Sand Beach. Continuing along the rugged coastline, you’ll visit landmarks like Thunder Hole and Otter Cliff before finishing the tour with a breathtaking ascent to the summit of Cadillac Mountain, where you’ll be rewarded with panoramic views of the park and the Atlantic Ocean. Today’s journey will cover about 20 miles and take an hour and a half to two hours to complete. The duration will depend on how much time you want to spend soaking in the views, and exploring trails. Our tour today is designed to end at the summit of Cadillac Mountain. As of recent years, the National Park Service has implemented a timed-entry reservation system for vehicles driving up Cadillac Mountain, especially during the busy months from May through October. Permits are required for specific time slots and can be booked in advance on the Acadia National Park website. We will begin today in Southern Bar Harbor, just off main street on SweetWater Circle. Follow your GPS, and we will begin shortly. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Yosemite National Park, an awe-inspiring natural wonderland bursting with adventure, beauty, and jaw-dropping scenery! Whether you’re a nature lover, thrill-seeker, or just someone who wants to soak in some epic views, Yosemite has something for everyone. At the heart of it all is Yosemite Valley—a dramatic masterpiece carved by glaciers, where towering granite cliffs like El Capitan and Half Dome rise high above, and waterfalls like Yosemite Falls and Bridalveil Fall cascade into the valley below. Yosemite Valley is nature's ultimate playground, offering endless opportunities for exploration, from scenic drives and easy walks to adrenaline-pumping hikes and rock climbing. Get ready for an unforgettable journey through one of the most iconic national parks in the world!

Egyptian Museum

Hello and welcome to this UCPlaces tour of the northern section of The Great Smoky Mountains. My name is Dave, and it will be my pleasure serving as your co-pilot today. This driving tour begins at the Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center in Townsend, Tennessee, where you can explore exhibits showcasing the rich cultural and natural history of the region. From there, we will head east into the heart of the Smokies, following scenic roads that wind through lush forests, misty valleys, and along clear mountain streams. Along the way, you'll encounter breathtaking overlooks, historic sites, and diverse wildlife. Your journey concludes at The Place of a Thousand Drips, a beautiful roadside waterfall near Gatlinburg, where the gentle cascades of water trickle down moss-covered rocks, offering a peaceful and picturesque finale to your adventure. Today’s driving tour runs approximately 30 miles, and we’ll take between 2 to 3 hours, depending on how much you want to stop and explore. There are many places for pullout parking, and some of these stops have Restrooms available. We will begin on East Lamar Alexander Parkway. Follow your GPS navigation, and we will begin shortly. Enjoy!

Egyptian Museum

Welcome, adventurers, to the vibrant and historic streets of Lower Manhattan! Today, we're diving into the pulse of New York City, exploring the legendary neighborhoods where skyscrapers rub shoulders with centuries-old landmarks. This is where Wall Street power meets Battery Park greenery, and every block has a story waiting to be told. We will be sure to cover many aspects of New York history, some darker than others, but all the more necessary. But, that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to have fun! Before we begin, here's a fun tidbit: Did you know the term "Big Apple" was popularized by a horse racing columnist in the 1920s? He used it to describe the big-time prizes at NYC races. Who knew the city's nickname had such horsepower? And speaking of quirky origins, rumor has it that if you can dodge a taxi here, you can dodge anything! So, tighten those shoelaces, grab your camera, and let's set off on an adventure through the streets where dreams are made and every moment is larger than life. Get ready to fall in love with New York, one amazing landmark at a time!