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Places (POIs) visited during this tour

Place #1
Distance: 1.03mi
Map Pin
180 Zion Park Blvd, Springdale, UT 84767, USA
POI 1 Tour Image




Place #2
Distance: 0.66mi , Attraction : 博物馆
Map Pin
1 Zion – Mount Carmel Hwy, Hurricane, UT 84737, USA
POI 2 Tour Image

首先,展览介绍了该地区的原住民历史。您将有机会了解数千年来居住在锡安地区的土著民族,包括南派尤特人(Southern Paiute)和祖先普韦布洛人(Ancestral Puebloans)。大约2000年前,祖先普韦布洛人开始在锡安地区定居,在维珍河及其支流沿岸建立了社区。这些古代农民在小型梯田上种植玉米、豆类和南瓜,建造复杂的石头建筑,并制作陶器和其他手工制品。他们的悬崖住宅、岩画和祭祀遗址分布在整个公园,展示了他们复杂的社会、宗教和艺术传统。后来,随着他们的消失,南派尤特人继续在该地区维持他们的存在。南派尤特人是一个说努米克语的部族,他们的传统领土包括如今的犹他州南部、亚利桑那州北部和内华达州东南部。他们依靠狩猎、采集和季节性迁徙生存,并且与这片土地有着深厚的精神联系。您可以通过馆内的文物、照片和解说牌,深入了解他们的传统生活方式、精神信仰和文化习俗。



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Tour itinerary stops | Additional places you'll see on this self-guided tour

Map Pin Place 1 游客中心
Map Pin Place 2 锡安人类历史博物馆
Map Pin Place 3 锡安卡梅尔山隧道
Map Pin Place 4 路线指引
Map Pin Place 5 族长庭院
Map Pin Place 6 翡翠池步道起点
Map Pin Place 7 洞穴野餐区 & 天使降临
Map Pin Place 8 哭泣岩步道起点
Map Pin Place 9 大弯道
Map Pin Place 10 西纳瓦瓦神庙

This is a premium tour, click below for complete access!

How to take a UCPlaces tour
Taking a UCPlaces tour is fun and easy.
Download the app (Android or iOS), purchase the tour (either here on the website, or from within the app).
That's it, you're ready to go!
When you want to start the tour, find the tour in the app (via a quick in-app search or by clicking the tour link received in your confirmation email) and click "Start Tour" (headphones recommended for best experience.)
* After purchasing a tour you will receive a purchase confirmation email including the tour link and instructions on how to take the tour, so you don't have to remember anything now.
How does the tour work?
UCPlaces acts as your personal tour guide, providing self-guided audio tours fully navigated within our app using GPS-based navigation. You won't need to switch between external navigation apps.
Whenever you approach a point of interest (POI) on the tour, our app will automatically play the relevant audio story at the right time and place.
If you start the tour before reaching the first POI, the app will navigate you to the starting point and then begin the tour.
How is this more convenient than a traditional tour?
UCPlaces offers an innovative and flexible way to explore exciting destinations on your terms.
Here are some key advantages over traditional tours:
  • No need to commit upfront or purchase in advance; buy a tour only when you're ready to go.
  • Walk at your own pace.
  • No waiting for groups; go on your schedule.
  • Take the tour in your preferred language.
  • Start, stop and continue the tour whenever you want.
  • Returning to the same destination? Take the tour again, and again, and again... And bring a friend!
  • Enjoy preferred prices.

What's included?
  • A self-guided audio tour taken via the UCPlaces app [Android / iOS (iPhone) / Apple CarPlay].
  • Tour route map and in-app GPS navigation (via the UCPlaces app).
  • Audio stories for places visited during the tour.
  • Apple CarPlay connection (for iOS users); for a seamless driving tour experience.
What's NOT included?
  • Earphones (highly recommended).
  • Smartphone.
  • Any kind of transportation (including tickets and passes).
  • Tickets to the attractions on your tour.
  • Food and drinks
  • Physical tour guide.