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Explore 35 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in Washington

Egyptian Museum

Who loves a good scandal? We all do! In this tour we uncover secrets and scandals of power, greed, sex, corruption, and just plain stupidity right here in Washington DC. We recommend this tour for ages 18 and older. Let's begin at the corner of 13th Street and K Street Northwest.

Egyptian Museum

Explore the Tidal Basin with Historic America! From MLK to FDR all the way to Jefferson, we'll hit all the iconic sites as well as hidden gems. You do the walking and we'll do the talking, and don't forget to Hashtag your pics #historicamericatours

Egyptian Museum

Lex Lianos and his team at Compass have expertly guided over 700 clients through the process of home buying and they can do the same for you! After this tour of Vienna, Virginia, give Lex Lianos of Compass a call at 703-340-7474 or email lex@lianos.com Also check out his website - lexlianos.com

Egyptian Museum

Haunted mansions, bridges, graveyards, haunted movie sites, murder crime scenes, ghost stories, giant flesh eating worms, and cupcakes. All of that in one tour! Georgetown Ghosts, Murder and Mayhem has a little bit of everything. Join us!

Egyptian Museum

The best way to take this tour is with a group of friends on either Friday night, or Saturday and Sunday after 12:00 noon because that’s when you get the most free booze and drinking is best done with friends. That’s right. Most of the distilleries in this tour offer free tastings of their spirits on the weekend. I have personally taken this tour, with friends, and we had a TON of free tastings so I know what I’m talking about.

Egyptian Museum

Visit Washington's most famous icons on the design focused walking tour of the National Mall. We'll take in the towering Washington Monument, sobering Vietnam Wall and awe-inspiring Lincoln Memorial, learning about the designers and politicians that helped shape this monumental core of the Capital. While visiting the most awe-inspiring landmarks in Washington DC, we'll peek behind the stones, looking beyond the bricks, and find little known secrets among these National icons.

Egyptian Museum

This tour starts near the White House and covers the east side of the National Mall, all the way to the Capitol Building and back. It includes numerous statues, memorials and museums of all kinds.

Egyptian Museum

Let's explore some historic and iconic sites around the U Street Corridor! We've got theaters, restaurants, memorials, museums and of course somewhere to stop and grab a drink or two. Experience the rich history and influence of African American culture through some of the oldest and most influential landmarks in the U Street Corridor. Let's go!

Egyptian Museum

大家好,欢迎来到​UCPlaces! ​我很荣幸成为大家今天的地导。今天就让我带 着大家去探访华盛顿那些著名的战马雕塑。其实战马雕塑分两种,一种是马 和骑手同时出现,这类雕塑被称为​“​马术雕塑​”​。另一种是只有马而没有骑手 ,这类则被称为​“​马雕塑​”​。今天为了方便解说,我将把这两种类型统称为战 马雕塑。    世界上的第一尊马雕塑可以追溯到古埃及和波斯时期,所以这并不是近现代 才出现的艺术形式。但是由于其高昂的造价和复杂的工艺让它慢慢变得不再 那么受欢迎了。然而华盛顿却保存了大量的战马雕塑,这才让大众有机会欣 赏它们的风采。今天我会重点介绍美国革命和内战时期的雕塑作品,也会与 您分享每一尊雕塑背后鲜为人知的故事。在这次的游览中,您可能会想把车 停在路边,边近距离欣赏雕塑边听我的讲解。而有些雕塑被安放在环形交叉 口转盘的中间,这时就需要您多绕行几圈以捕捉其全貌。    我们的第一座雕像位于斯坦顿公园,但在我们开始之前,让我们先揭秘一个 传说。据说雕塑制造商都会遵循一种代码,那就是马蹄在雕塑中的位置会告 诉您骑手的死因。一蹄离地意味着他们在战斗中受伤,但没有死于这些伤 痛。两蹄离地意味着骑手在战斗中死亡。四蹄均触地意味着骑手在战斗中毫 发无伤。但是别费心记这些,因为华盛顿只有​ ​⅓的战马雕塑遵循了这种代 码。所以说传说也就只是传说,不足为信。     好,当您准备妥当,就按下​“​开始导航​”​键吧。让我们出发前往第一站。 

Egyptian Museum

序論 こんにちは。UCPlacesへようこそ!本日皆さんのツアーガイドをさせていただき、本当に 嬉しいです!ナショナル・モールについてなんですけど、記念碑と博物館、重要な建物とラ ンドマーク等、確認すべきところが多いです!このツアーで私たちはモールを歩き回りなが ら、素晴らしいところを見ていきます。各場所についての情報も少しずつ付けてあります。 けれども、あなたは車から出る時間ができて、ワシントンDCにあるナショナル・モールの 美しさと歴史の深さと素晴らしさを見物したら、ここにまた来たくなるはずです。モールに は毎年4千2百万以上のお客さんが訪れます。その中の一人になりたいでしょうか?いいで す!やっちゃいましょう!ナビゲーションをついて行って1番目のストップに向かいましょ う。