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Places (POIs) visited during this tour

Place #1
Distance: 1.99mi , Attraction : 游客中心
Map Pin
6535 Park Blvd, Joshua Tree, CA 92252, USA
POI 1 Tour Image



Place #2
Distance: 3.04mi
Map Pin
7950 Quail Springs Rd, Joshua Tree, CA 92252, USA
POI 2 Tour Image


随着时间的推移,人类的足迹也出现在这片土地上。美洲原住民部落,如塞拉诺族(Serrano)、卡维拉族(Cahuilla)和切梅维族(Chemehuevi),在此地生活了数千年。他们在这里狩猎、采集,并留下了岩画和用于研磨种子与坚果的石磨等遗迹。像玛拉绿洲(Oasis of Mara)这样的水源地对他们的生存至关重要。他们还利用约书亚树作为食物、纤维和工具,使这种植物深深融入他们的文化。

19世纪中期,金银矿藏吸引了矿工来到这里,留下了诸如“失马矿”(Lost Horse Mine)等矿场遗址。尽管这些矿场没有带来太多财富,但它们在景观上留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。从1910年代到1930年代,定居者利用《宅地法》(Homestead Act)在这片严酷的沙漠中尝试农业和牧业。然而,许多人最终放弃了他们的土地,不过像凯斯农场(Keys Ranch)这样的历史遗迹仍然保留至今。

20世纪30年代,来自帕萨迪纳的植物学家米涅娃·霍伊特(Minerva Hoyt)大力倡导保护沙漠及其独特的约书亚树,防止其遭受无序开发和破坏。在她的不懈努力下,富兰克林·D·罗斯福总统于1936年将该地区指定为约书亚树国家纪念地。1994年,《加州沙漠保护法案》进一步将其升级为国家公园,将其面积扩展至790,636英亩,并强调了其生态和文化价值。


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Tour itinerary stops | Additional places you'll see on this self-guided tour

Map Pin Place 1 约书亚树游客中心
Map Pin Place 2 约书亚树的历史
Map Pin Place 3 约书亚树
Map Pin Place 4 凯斯牧场
Map Pin Place 5 巴克水坝
Map Pin Place 6 隐谷
Map Pin Place 7 帽岩(Cap Rock)
Map Pin Place 8 瑞安山(Ryan Mountain)
Map Pin Place 9 骷髅岩(Skull Rock)
Map Pin Place 10 拱门岩(Arch Rock)
Map Pin Place 11 跳刺仙人掌花园

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How to take a UCPlaces tour
Taking a UCPlaces tour is fun and easy.
Download the app (Android or iOS), purchase the tour (either here on the website, or from within the app).
That's it, you're ready to go!
When you want to start the tour, find the tour in the app (via a quick in-app search or by clicking the tour link received in your confirmation email) and click "Start Tour" (headphones recommended for best experience.)
* After purchasing a tour you will receive a purchase confirmation email including the tour link and instructions on how to take the tour, so you don't have to remember anything now.
How does the tour work?
UCPlaces acts as your personal tour guide, providing self-guided audio tours fully navigated within our app using GPS-based navigation. You won't need to switch between external navigation apps.
Whenever you approach a point of interest (POI) on the tour, our app will automatically play the relevant audio story at the right time and place.
If you start the tour before reaching the first POI, the app will navigate you to the starting point and then begin the tour.
How is this more convenient than a traditional tour?
UCPlaces offers an innovative and flexible way to explore exciting destinations on your terms.
Here are some key advantages over traditional tours:
  • No need to commit upfront or purchase in advance; buy a tour only when you're ready to go.
  • Walk at your own pace.
  • No waiting for groups; go on your schedule.
  • Take the tour in your preferred language.
  • Start, stop and continue the tour whenever you want.
  • Returning to the same destination? Take the tour again, and again, and again... And bring a friend!
  • Enjoy preferred prices.

What's included?
  • A self-guided audio tour taken via the UCPlaces app [Android / iOS (iPhone) / Apple CarPlay].
  • Tour route map and in-app GPS navigation (via the UCPlaces app).
  • Audio stories for places visited during the tour.
  • Apple CarPlay connection (for iOS users); for a seamless driving tour experience.
What's NOT included?
  • Earphones (highly recommended).
  • Smartphone.
  • Any kind of transportation (including tickets and passes).
  • Tickets to the attractions on your tour.
  • Food and drinks
  • Physical tour guide.