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Places (POIs) visited during this tour

Place #1
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : 林肯纪念堂
Map Pin
US-50, Washington, DC 20037, USA
POI 1 Tour Image
好,在您的右前方就是林肯纪念堂。这座白色立柱式的宏伟建筑也是华盛顿特区的第二大景点。这座纪念堂最初的修建提议包括一座玛雅神庙和一座木屋,就连选址也是颇具争议。当时的白宫发言人曾说:“我决不会让亚伯拉罕·林肯的纪念堂建在那该死的沼泽地里。” 然而, 事与愿违,这座纪念堂还真就建在了他说的那块沼泽地上。纪念堂的正东面就是反思池和华盛顿纪念碑。这两个景点我在后面回讲到的。

Place #2
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦纪念馆
Map Pin
2101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20418, USA
POI 2 Tour Image

Place #3
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : 越战纪念碑
Map Pin
2101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20418, USA
POI 3 Tour Image

Place #4
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : 宪法公园
Map Pin
Robert Owen Park, 101-299 21st St NW, Washington, DC 20551, USA
POI 4 Tour Image
宪法公园面积50英亩,各式纪念碑耸立在连绵青草之上,环绕在绿树翠柏之中,更与湖心小岛邀相辉映。跟随我们的观光车您会观赏到所有景点。就在林肯纪念堂的反思池前,马丁 路德 金博士面对250,000观众发表了著名的“我有一个梦想”的演讲。在2017年的时候,反思池爆发了寄生虫疫情,导致一批常居于此的鸭子死亡,也让不少戏水的游客皮肤瘙痒,鉴于这种情况,反思池的水不得不被完全抽干。 \r在17大街的拐角处,坐落着华盛顿国家广场上最古老的建筑物,lockkeeper的小屋。这里也是旧时人们进出旧华盛顿市运河的收费处。

Place #5
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : 白宫/华盛顿纪念碑(也称方尖碑
Map Pin
1600 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA
POI 5 Tour Image
从16号大街的西北口出来,在您左手边的就是白宫了,这里是历届美国总统生活起居的地方。白宫有132个房间,包括住所和办公室在内,有35个浴室、412扇门、147扇窗户、八道楼梯、三部电梯、一条保龄球道和一个电影院,分布在三个楼层上。室外还有一个网球场、一条慢跑跑道、一个游泳池以及一个高尔夫球场。当然,还有5名厨师为大家提供各类膳食。在您右手边的就是乔治 华盛顿纪念碑,乘电梯20分钟可以到达顶部。有趣的是,以前人们觉得电梯很不安全,所以妇女和儿童都不允许乘坐,唯有男性可以乘坐。\r站在华盛顿纪念碑旁,向后可以看到林肯纪念堂,向前可以看到美国国会山庄。 \r

Place #6
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : 美国非洲裔国家历史和文化博物馆
Map Pin
Constitution Av & 15 St, NW, Washington, DC 20230, USA
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Place #7
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Smithsonian Museum of American History
Map Pin
226 US-50, Washington, DC 20560, USA
POI 7 Tour Image
Smithsonian Museum of American History
Next up on your left is the William Jefferson Clinton West Building. On your right is the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Inside is over 3 million random objects representing America’s science, technology, society and culture. Everything from the Star Spangled Banner Flag, to Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone, to Muhammad Ali’s boxing gloves.

Place #8
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Museum of Natural History
Map Pin
12 ST & CONSTITUTION AVE NW nb, Washington, DC 20004, USA
POI 8 Tour Image
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
To your left is the Internal Revenue Service - THE tax collectors. Booooooo! Not really a favorite of most Americans. On your right is the National Museum of Natural History. It is THE most visited Museum. What’s in there? Dead things. Thousands and thousands of dead things. Fossils, mummies, every possible taxidermy animal that you can think of, meteorites, gems and bugs. Yeah bugs. They have a huge bug display and a live tarantula feeding during the day which is always a hit with the kiddos.

Place #9
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Sculpture Garden
Map Pin
900 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004, USA
POI 9 Tour Image
National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden
On your left is the National Archives Museum where you can see the original copies of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. On your right is the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden. There are beautiful trees and flowers and 17 cool sculptures. In the winter they turn the whole thing into an ice skating rink! \r

Place #10
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Art Gallery
Map Pin
600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20580, USA
POI 10 Tour Image
National Gallery of Art
On your left is the Federal Trade Commission. On your right is the National Gallery of Art - West Building. Between this and the East building up ahead, there are roughly 141,000 pieces that stretch all the way back to the Middle Ages. Also, the only Leonardo Da Vinci painting in the entire western hemisphere is here. \rBe prepared to turn right on Pennsylvania AVE NW. It’s the next intersection.\r

Place #11
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : News Museum
Map Pin
600 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20565, USA
POI 11 Tour Image
The Newseum
You need to turn right here and then get in the left lane to turn left on Constitution. Catty corner to your left is the Newseum. Inside you will find a dozen major galleries, 15 theaters, two broadcast studios, and the coolest interactive newsroom ever where you get to play the role of a photojournalist, editor, reporter or anchor.

Place #12
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Art Gallery
Map Pin
400 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20565, USA
POI 12 Tour Image
National Gallery of Art - East
On your right is the National Gallery of Art - East. Please turn left on Constitution Avenue. The George Gordon Meade Memorial will be on your left. Major General George Gordon Meade is best known as the career military officer from Pennsylvania who defeated General Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Gettysburg.

Place #13
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : United States Capitol building
Map Pin
204 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20216, USA
POI 13 Tour Image
The United States Capitol
That huge domed building ahead on your right is the United States Capitol. It’s the home of congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the United States federal government. That’s great and all but here are some fun facts you might not hear about at the visitor’s center: There’s a painting in the Capitol, OF the Capitol being burned to the ground. That’s like hanging a picture in your house OF your house being on fire. Interesting. Also there are cat paw prints embedded in the concrete floor just outside of the old Supreme Court chamber. Seriously, cats get into everything.

Place #14
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Senate Office Buildings
Map Pin
Russell Senate Office Building, 2 Constitution Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002, USA
POI 14 Tour Image
Senate Office Buildings
You need to turn right when you get up to 1st St NE. On your left and catty corner on your left are a couple of senate office buildings - the Russell building and the Hart building. The senate is the upper chamber of congress. Each state has two representatives only and they serve six year terms.

Place #15
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : US Supreme Court building
Map Pin
110 Maryland Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002, USA
POI 15 Tour Image
US Supreme Court
Court is in session!!! That building on your left with the cool pillars is the Supreme Court. It’s the highest court in the United States and consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight other justices that the president picks and the Senate confirms. Each justice gets one vote in all cases. Most cases are decided by a 5-4 margin which shows how evenly the court is politically and socially divided. There’s a lot of history in that pillared building.

Place #16
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Library
Map Pin
112 East Capitol St NE, Washington, DC 20543, USA
POI 16 Tour Image
Library of Congress
Coming up on your left you will find the Court of Neptune Fountain, and behind it is the Library of Congress, which is the largest library in the world. It’s open to the public but you can only check out books and other materials if you are a high ranking government official or Library of Congress employee. So if you want to read any of the over 100 million publications they have in there, you are gonna have to do it in that building. Turn right on Independence Avenue.

Place #17
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : House Office Building
Map Pin
99 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20515, USA
POI 17 Tour Image
Cannon House Office Building
To your left is the first of three House of Representatives office buildings. This one is called the Cannon House, and is the oldest congressional office building. So, the House of Representatives is the lower chamber of Congress. The number of representatives per state is determined by the state’s population and they serve for two years at a time.\r

Place #18
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : House Office Building
Map Pin
1 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20515, USA
POI 18 Tour Image
Longworth House Office Building
This is the Longworth building there on the left. As you keep driving toward the final House office building, if you look to the right you can see the United States Capitol through the trees. But still watch where you are going! There are usually a lot of hopeful interns running around here.

Place #19
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : House Office Building
Map Pin
1 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20515, USA
POI 19 Tour Image
Rayburn House Office Building
This final House of Representatives office building on your left is the Rayburn Office and it is massive. 2.375 million square feet massive, to be exact. This place went 88 million dollars over the original budget. I guess the congressmen and women felt they needed a gym below the sub-basement that has cardio machine with TV’s, multiple weightlifting machines, basketball courts,… oh and a shooting range. Hey Americans, thanks for paying your taxes.

Place #20
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Botanic Garden
Map Pin
101 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024, USA
POI 20 Tour Image
United States Botanic Garden
Who likes plants? I do. And on your right is the United States Botanical Garden. In there you can find over 10,000 living plant specimens. Some of them are over 165 years old! The garden is monitored by computer operated sensors to maintain the proper environment, but each plant is hand watered daily. Lucky plants. \rOn your left is the Department of Health and Human Services.\r

Place #21
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Museum
Map Pin
POI 21 Tour Image
National Museum of the American Indian
Here comes a bunch of museums on your right. That large rock-formation looking building on your right is the National Museum of the American Indian. It all started back when Native American leaders discovered that the Smithsonian Institution held more than 15,000 Native American remains and they weren’t doing anything with them. So now you can go in there and check it all out. There’s also a pretty awesome cafe that serves indigenous inspired foods like grilled bison and Indian fry bread. The museum itself sits on 4 acres and is surrounded by simulated wetlands - kinda like the DC area used to be back when it was inhabited by Native Americans and not politicians.

Place #22
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Museum
Map Pin
482 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024, USA
POI 22 Tour Image
National Air and Space Museum
On your right is the National Air and Space Museum. If you like things that fly, you will love this place. It’s actually the third most visited museum in the entire world! Ever heard of the Wright Brothers? Well their “Wright Flyer of 1903” is kept here.\rThe Apollo 11 Command Module which landed on the moon in 1969 is here as well. Plus a bunch of aircraft from WWI and WWII, and a moon rock. Yeah, a rock that was literally on the moon. Pretty cool stuff. And if you enjoy IMAX movies, they have a theater in there that is 5 stories tall! \r

Place #23
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Museum and Sculpture Garden
Map Pin
700 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20591, USA
POI 23 Tour Image
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Don’t blink or on your right you will miss 12,000 pieces of artwork. I’m not kidding. That big circle shaped building is the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, which is the national museum of modern and contemporary art.

Place #24
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Arts and Industries Building
Map Pin
194 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20591, USA
POI 24 Tour Image
Arts and Industries Building
That red brick building there on your right is called the Arts and Industries building. It’s claim to fame is being the very first United States National Mall Museum. Currently it is being used to host private events.

Place #25
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Museum
Map Pin
950 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20560, USA
POI 25 Tour Image
National Museum of African Art
The National Museum of African Art is next. It houses over 9,000 works of traditional and contemporary African Art, and the red castle looking building behind it is called, well, the Smithsonian Castle. There are administrative offices inside.

Place #26
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Artifact Gallery
Map Pin
1050 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20560, USA
POI 26 Tour Image
Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Next is the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. It’s the national museum of Asian art. There’s South Asian sculptures, exquisite Chinese jade, modern Japanese pots and vases, and contemporary art. I bet you didn’t know all that. So that sure was a lot of museums, wasn’t it!

Place #27
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : United States Department of Agriculture
Map Pin
1050 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20560, USA
POI 27 Tour Image
United States Department of Agriculture
On Fridays during the summer and fall months, there will be a really cool farmer’s market on your right. You are about to drive under the first of two bridges. These are the Department of Agriculture Pedestrian Arches and they are used as pedestrian walkways between the two huge Department of Agriculture buildings. The USDA makes and executes federal laws related to farming, forestry and food. It also develops programs to distribute food, nutrition and nutritional education to those in need. The USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides healthy food to over 40 million low-income and homeless people each month. It also provides surplus foods to developing countries. Pretty cool, I think.

Place #28
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Multiple attractions
Map Pin
201 14th St SW, Washington, DC 20227, USA
POI 28 Tour Image
Forest Service, Holocaust Museum, Bureau of Engraving and Printing
On your left in that big red building is the USDA Forest Service where you can meet Smokey the Bear and learn about the history of the Forest Service. We are now coming up on the intersection of Raoul Wallenberg Place SW. Keep going straight, but just so you know when you come back, if you go left at the intersection, after you pass the USDA Forest Service building is the United States Holocaust Museum. There you will learn about one of the most dark and gruesome events in the world’s history. Just past there you will come across the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Wanna see where all the money is printed? That’s the place to go. It’s a very popular attraction here in DC. If you keep following that road south, it wraps around the Tidal Basin and will run you past the Jefferson Memorial. Thomas Jefferson was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States. Staying on that road will then take you to the George Mason memorial and if you follow along to the north you will find the Franklin Delano Roosevelt memorial. It’s a really cool statue of him and his dog Fala. Who doesn’t love Fala?

Place #29
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Tidal Basin/WWII Memorial
Map Pin
1599 Maine Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024, USA
POI 29 Tour Image
Tidal Basin/WWII Memorial
On your left is what’s called the Tidal Basin. It’s a man-made reservoir that releases 250 million gallons of water collected at high tide, twice a day. I also have a fantastic story about the tidal basin, a politician, and an Argentine stripper. But there’s no time for that right now. Keep going straight on Independence Avenue. If you were to turn right on 17th St you would find the WWII Memorial. Make sure you come back and explore it in depth sometime because it is really cool. It’s a huge memorial made of granite, bronze and fountains, all honoring the hundreds of millions of people who served in WWII. You will find cool quotes on the pillars there along with a wall of 4,048 stars. Each star represents 100 Americans who died in the war. In front of that wall is the inscription “Here we mark the price of freedom.” Kind of gives me goosebumps.

Place #30
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Memorial statue
Map Pin
Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20006, USA
POI 30 Tour Image
Martin Luther King Jr Memorial
On your left across the street is The Martin Luther King Jr Memorial. It is the 395th memorial in the National Park Service and it is a fantastic one. There is a line from his “I Have a Dream” speech that states “Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope”. This was the inspiration for this memorial. It’s a 30 ft tall sculpture of Dr. King named the Stone of Hope, and two other huge pieces of granite that symbolize the “mountain of despair”.

Place #31
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : War Memorial
Map Pin
Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20245, USA
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Korean War Veterans Memorial
Are you sick of me yet? No? Awesome. Here comes the last memorial on this tour: The Korean War Veterans Memorial. It’s on your right. It consists of a big granite wall with more than 2,500 photographic images sandblasted into it. There are also 19 larger than life stainless steel statues representing a platoon on patrol, and there’s a Pool of Remembrance. I especially love to see it at night when they have it all lit up. Very cool.

Place #32
Distance: 0.00mi , Attraction : Wrap it up!
Map Pin
2912 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20418, USA
POI 32 Tour Image
Wrap it up!
Well, that concludes our whirlwind tour of the National Mall. I hope you remember absolutely everything I’ve said and that you took detailed notes on all of it. We are almost back to the Lincoln Memorial, which is where we started. So why don’t you find a place to park and go get a more up close and personal view of the memorials and museums, now that you know where everything is. \r\rOh, wait. I think I promised you a story about a congressman and an Argentine stripper, right? Ok, here goes: Back in 1974, married Arkansas congressman Wilbur Mills was having an affair with Fannie Fox, a local DC stripper. They had been out drinking one night and were driving near the Tidal Basin when police pulled their car over. Fannie Fox tried to run from the scene by actually jumping into the tidal basin. Obviously that whole incident went public. Mills ended up resigning from office. Fox ended up changing her name from “The Argentine Firecracker” to “The Tidal Basin Bombshell” and with her newfound notoriety was able to make 5 times more money with her stripping gigs. So basically the incident destroyed the congressman’s career and launched the stripper’s career. Now wasn’t that story worth the wait?\r\rThis has been such a fun tour for me. I hope you had a great time too. Make sure you check out more of our UCPlaces tours in DC. We have a distillery tour, a horse statue tour, a DC scandals tour, a Bridges of Arlington County tour and much, much more. We would really appreciate it if you’d give us a review and tell us just how much you LOVED this tour!\rUntil next time, so long and happy touring!\r

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How to take a UCPlaces tour
Taking a UCPlaces tour is fun and easy.
Download the app (Android or iOS), purchase the tour (either here on the website, or from within the app).
That's it, you're ready to go!
When you want to start the tour, find the tour in the app (via a quick in-app search or by clicking the tour link received in your confirmation email) and click "Start Tour" (headphones recommended for best experience.)
* After purchasing a tour you will receive a purchase confirmation email including the tour link and instructions on how to take the tour, so you don't have to remember anything now.
How does the tour work?
UCPlaces acts as your personal tour guide, providing self-guided audio tours fully navigated within our app using GPS-based navigation. You won't need to switch between external navigation apps.
Whenever you approach a point of interest (POI) on the tour, our app will automatically play the relevant audio story at the right time and place.
If you start the tour before reaching the first POI, the app will navigate you to the starting point and then begin the tour.
How is this more convenient than a traditional tour?
UCPlaces offers an innovative and flexible way to explore exciting destinations on your terms.
Here are some key advantages over traditional tours:
  • No need to commit upfront or purchase in advance; buy a tour only when you're ready to go.
  • Walk at your own pace.
  • No waiting for groups; go on your schedule.
  • Take the tour in your preferred language.
  • Start, stop and continue the tour whenever you want.
  • Returning to the same destination? Take the tour again, and again, and again... And bring a friend!
  • Enjoy preferred prices.

What's included?
  • A self-guided audio tour taken via the UCPlaces app [Android / iOS (iPhone) / Apple CarPlay].
  • Tour route map and in-app GPS navigation (via the UCPlaces app).
  • Audio stories for places visited during the tour.
  • Apple CarPlay connection (for iOS users); for a seamless driving tour experience.
What's NOT included?
  • Earphones (highly recommended).
  • Smartphone.
  • Any kind of transportation (including tickets and passes).
  • Tickets to the attractions on your tour.
  • Food and drinks
  • Physical tour guide.