MEET THE IMPERIAL PORT OF THE HABSBURGS-TRIESTE Hello, my name is Marijana and I will be your tour guide throughout Trieste city. I am happy to be with you over the next few hours and I will be glad to introduce you to this wonderful coastal city of Northern Italy. I wish you a wonderful journey through the history of Trieste. Trieste is a place where many religions meet: the main churches have been located for centuries. There are also different architectural styles of its buildings: neoclassicism, secession, and baroque style, harmoniously complement each other, as well as Roman ruins and buildings from the 18th century. The enchanting city Trieste, strtches between the sharp Karst to the Adriatic sea and offers the experience of a unique and unforgettable stay. As a border area and trading port with a turbulent past from ancient times to modern days. Our first starting point will be Piazza del Unita Italia or the main square in Trieste.