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Places (POIs) visited during this tour

Place #1
Distance: 0.19mi , Attraction : Public Square
Map Pin
Via del Mascherone angolo, Vicolo dei Venti, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
POI 1 Tour Image
Piazza Farnese
Once again, welcome to Historic America & UCPlaces’ audio walking tour of Rome. We’re glad you could join us! I’m Aaron, your guide (but I also respond to professional history nerd). This is the part of the tour where I fit in my shameless plug for our websites (www.historicamerica.org & www.ucplaces.com) and invite you to use #historicamericatours on social media while traveling alongside us today. Let’s begin the journey. 

Behold, one of Rome’s great Renaissance palaces (the one with the French flag). This is the Palazzo Farnese. Way back in the 1500s, the palace was built by Italian nobles from the Farnese family in order to show off their newly achieved wealth.

Sparing no expense, they hired none other than Michelagelo to design the place. I’m sure you would too if money was no object! Michelagelo emphasized symmetry in his work and made sure the central balcony was the focus of the facade. That’s where the Farneses would give their speeches to the crowd gathered down in the piazza below where you now stand.

Michelagelo’s clever design, including the enlarged central window and jutting roofline, has become the standard for Roman architecture since the Renaissance. We will see plenty of the buildings he inspired along the way today.

Notice the old rustic looking stones by the main doorway, the half columns (pilasters) embedded in the facade, the triangular and arched pediments above the windows, and the balustrade railing of the balcony. These will all be common features you can spot on other buildings along the way. Keep a sharp eye out for these and you’ll be an expert in Renaissance architecture in no time!

If you are wondering about the French flags and security presence, the Farnese’s palace is now home to the French embassy. 

Now walk over towards the twin fountains behind you in the piazza.

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  External Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palazzo_Farnese
Place #2
Distance: 0.54mi , Attraction : Fountain
Map Pin
Piazza Farnese, 106, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
POI 2 Tour Image
Piazza Farnese Fountain
Romans love water. Always have. You will see lots of spectacular fountains on the tour today. They’re everywhere!

Beginning in ancient times, the Romans could rely on waters flowing from municipal aqueducts, marvels of ancient civic engineering, to drink and wash with. These two fountains date from the third century and were once tubs in the great public baths of the emperor Carcalla.

The Romans loved a good bath almost as much as they loved conquering new nations to enlarge their empire! Emperors were constantly building great public works to impress their citizens and win their love, and baths were a popular means toward achieving this  end.

The water which flows from these fountains comes from an ancient Roman aqueduct, the Acqua Vergine. The Romans were so skilled at hydraulic engineering that even now after the better part of two millennia, the Acqua Vergine still brings flowing waters into the heart of the city! In fact the Acqua Vergine feeds just about all the fountains we will see today. 

Now turn your back to the palace and walk past the fountains. Walk along the Via Dei Baullari for one block until you emerge at our next stop: the Campo de’ Fiori, a bustling public market on a small square


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Tour itinerary stops | Additional places you'll see on this self-guided tour

Map Pin Place 1 Piazza Farnese
Map Pin Place 2 Piazza Farnese Fountain
Map Pin Place 3 Campo de' Fiori
Map Pin Place 4 Corso Vittorio Emanuele II
Map Pin Place 5 Directions
Map Pin Place 6 Piazza Navona
Map Pin Place 7 Directions
Map Pin Place 8 Directions
Map Pin Place 9 Directions
Map Pin Place 10 Directions
Map Pin Place 11 Pantheon
Map Pin Place 12 Directions
Map Pin Place 13 Piazza Capranica
Map Pin Place 14 Piazza di Montecitorio
Map Pin Place 15 The Column of Marcus Aurelius
Map Pin Place 16 Via del Corso
Map Pin Place 17 Trevi Fountain
Map Pin Place 18 Directions
Map Pin Place 19 Directions
Map Pin Place 20 Directions
Map Pin Place 21 Directions
Map Pin Place 22 Palazzo di Propaganda Fide
Map Pin Place 23 Column of the Immaculate Conception
Map Pin Place 24 Spanish Steps

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UCPlaces acts as your personal tour guide, providing self-guided audio tours fully navigated within our app using GPS-based navigation. You won't need to switch between external navigation apps.
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How is this more convenient than a traditional tour?
UCPlaces offers an innovative and flexible way to explore exciting destinations on your terms.
Here are some key advantages over traditional tours:
  • No need to commit upfront or purchase in advance; buy a tour only when you're ready to go.
  • Walk at your own pace.
  • No waiting for groups; go on your schedule.
  • Take the tour in your preferred language.
  • Start, stop and continue the tour whenever you want.
  • Returning to the same destination? Take the tour again, and again, and again... And bring a friend!
  • Enjoy preferred prices.

What's included?
  • A self-guided audio tour taken via the UCPlaces app [Android / iOS (iPhone) / Apple CarPlay].
  • Tour route map and in-app GPS navigation (via the UCPlaces app).
  • Audio stories for places visited during the tour.
  • Apple CarPlay connection (for iOS users); for a seamless driving tour experience.
What's NOT included?
  • Earphones (highly recommended).
  • Smartphone.
  • Any kind of transportation (including tickets and passes).
  • Tickets to the attractions on your tour.
  • Food and drinks
  • Physical tour guide.