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Explore 11 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in France

Egyptian Museum

フランスの活気ある都市、マルセイユへようこそ!地中海の岸辺に太陽がキスをし、歴史が時を超えて狭い通りを織りなす美しいタペストリーのようです。私の名前はシェリーで、このUCPlacesツアーのガイドを務めさせていただきます!この魅力的なツアーに出発するにあたり、マルセイユを象徴する古代の魅力と現代の魅力が融合した景色に魅了される準備をしてください。 私たちの旅は、パステルカラーの建物や職人のブティックが点在する、最も古い地区であるル・パニエの歴史的な迷路のような小道から始まります。今日は大聖堂や美術館など、多くの素晴らしい場所を訪れる予定です。そしてもちろん、伝説的なマルセイユの旧港を散策します。さあ、始めましょうか? 最初の場所へのナビゲーションに従ってください。そこでお会いしましょう!

Egyptian Museum

欢迎参加这次UCPlaces的马赛之旅,这里是法国活力四射的城市,阳光亲吻着地中海的海岸,历史像永恒的挂毯一样穿梭于狭窄的街道中。我是Shelly,很高兴成为你的UCPlaces导游!随着我们开始这次迷人的旅程,准备被马赛古老魅力与现代诱惑的融合所吸引。 我们的旅程从历史悠久的迷宫般的老区Le Panier开始,这里有粉彩色的建筑和手工艺品商店。今天我们将参观许多壮观的地方,如大教堂、博物馆,当然还会沿着传奇的老港口漫步。那我们开始吧,请按照导航前往我们的第一个地点。我会在那里与你会合!

Egyptian Museum

Bienvenidos a este tour de UCPlaces por la vibrante ciudad de Marsella, Francia, donde el sol besa las costas del Mediterráneo y la historia se entreteje por las calles estrechas como un tapiz atemporal. ¡Mi nombre es Shelly y estoy emocionada de ser su guía turístico de UCPlaces! Al embarcarnos en este encantador tour, prepárense para ser cautivados por la fusión de encanto antiguo y atractivo moderno que define a Marsella. Nuestro viaje comienza en los históricos y laberínticos callejones de Le Panier, el distrito más antiguo, adornado con edificios de tonos pastel y boutiques artesanales. Visitaremos muchos lugares espectaculares hoy, como catedrales, museos y, por supuesto, pasearemos por el legendario Viejo Puerto de Marsella. ¿Empezamos? Por favor, sigan su navegación hasta nuestro primer lugar. ¡Nos vemos allí!

Egyptian Museum

Добро пожаловать на эту экскурсию UCPlaces по живописному городу Марсель, Франция, где солнце целует берега Средиземного моря, а история переплетается с узкими улицами, как вечная лента. Меня зовут Шелли, и я рада быть вашим гидом от UCPlaces! Приготовьтесь быть очарованными смешением древнего очарования и современного влечения, которое определяет Марсель. Наше путешествие начинается в историческом лабиринте улочек Ле Пание, самом старом районе, украшенном пастельными зданиями и бутиками ремесленников. Сегодня мы посетим много замечательных мест, таких как соборы, музеи, и, конечно, мы прогуляемся вдоль легендарного Старого порта Марселя. Ну что, начнем? Пожалуйста, следуйте за вашей навигацией к нашему первому месту. Я встречу вас там!

Egyptian Museum

Willkommen zu dieser UCPlaces-Tour durch die lebendige Stadt Marseille, Frankreich, wo die Sonne die mediterranen Küsten küsst und die Geschichte sich durch die engen Gassen wie ein zeitloses Wandteppich webt. Mein Name ist Shelly und ich freue mich, Ihre UCPlaces-Tourführerin zu sein! Während wir diese bezaubernde Tour beginnen, bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, von der Fusion aus antikem Charme und moderner Anziehungskraft fasziniert zu werden, die Marseille definiert. Unsere Reise beginnt in den historischen labyrinthartigen Gassen von Le Panier, dem ältesten Viertel, das mit pastellfarbenen Gebäuden und Kunsthandwerksboutiquen geschmückt ist. Heute werden wir viele spektakuläre Orte besuchen, wie Kathedralen, Museen, und natürlich werden wir entlang des legendären Alten Hafens von Marseille spazieren. Lass uns gleich loslegen, sollen wir? Bitte folgen Sie Ihrer Navigation zu unserem ersten Ort. Ich treffe Sie dort!

Egyptian Museum

Bienvenue dans ce tour UCPlaces de la vibrante ville de Marseille, en France, où le soleil embrasse les rivages méditerranéens et l'histoire se tisse à travers les ruelles étroites comme une tapisserie intemporelle. Je m'appelle Shelly et je suis ravie d'être votre guide UCPlaces ! Alors que nous nous lançons dans ce tour enchanteur, préparez-vous à être captivé par la fusion du charme ancien et de l'allure moderne qui définit Marseille. Notre voyage commence dans les ruelles labyrinthiques du Panier, le plus ancien quartier, orné de bâtiments aux teintes pastel et de boutiques artisanales. Nous visiterons aujourd'hui de nombreux lieux spectaculaires, tels que des cathédrales, des musées, et bien sûr, nous nous promènerons le long du légendaire Vieux-Port de Marseille. Allons-y, d'accord ? Veuillez suivre votre navigation jusqu'à notre premier lieu. Je vous y retrouverai !

Egyptian Museum

Hello and welcome to this UCPlaces tour of Lyon, France, a city steeped in history, culture, and culinary delights. My name is Dave, and it will be my pleasure showing you around la Ville des Lumières, or (the City of Lights.) As you embark on this walking tour, prepare to be enchanted by the cobblestone streets of Vieux Lyon, the grandeur of its Renaissance architecture, and the serene beauty of its riverside panoramas. From the ancient hilltop basilica of Fourvière to the bustling markets of Les Halles, Lyon offers a tapestry of experiences waiting to be discovered around every corner. Join us as we journey through the heart of this vibrant city, where past and present intertwine to create a truly unforgettable exploration of French heritage. We will begin today on Rue de Bonnel, at Les Halles Market, conveniently located next to 2 parking lots servicing the market. I hope you have brought your comfortable walking shoes, because we have quite a journey for you today that will include some moderate climbs. But don’t worry, we have included good spots to take a break and get refreshment. Everybody ready? Great! Follow your navigation and we will begin shortly.

Egyptian Museum

Hello and welcome to this UCPlaces tour of Toulouse, the vibrant heart of southwestern France, where the past seamlessly blends with the present, creating a city that captivates visitors with its rich history, charming architecture, and lively atmosphere. Nestled along the banks of the Garonne River, Toulouse is renowned for its distinctive terracotta buildings, earning it the nickname "La Ville Rose" (The Pink City). Toulouse itself is not a host city for the 2024 Summer Games in France, but it plays a significant role in the lead-up events and qualification process. As we stroll through its narrow cobblestone streets during your guided tour today, you'll encounter a perfect fusion of medieval and modern influences, with centuries-old churches standing alongside cutting-edge aerospace industries. Home to a thriving cultural scene, delectable cuisine, and warm hospitality, Toulouse invites you to explore its unique blend of tradition and innovation, ensuring an unforgettable experience for every traveler, and UCPlaces is your companion along the way. My name is Dave, and I will be your co-pilot today. We will begin the tour today on Rue Saint-Anne. There is a parking lot at Indigo, next to Le Sylene restaurant, if you drove today. If you took public transportation, there are stops nearby as well. Ready to get started? Great. Follow your navigation and we will begin shortly.

Egyptian Museum

Welcome to this UCPlaces tour of the vibrant city of Marseille, France, where the sun kisses the Mediterranean shores and history weaves through the narrow streets like a timeless tapestry. My name is Shelly and I'm excited to be your UCPlaces tour guide! As we embark on this enchanting tour, prepare to be captivated by the fusion of ancient charm and modern allure that defines Marseille. Our journey begins at the historic labyrinthine lanes of Le Panier, the oldest district, adorned with pastel-hued buildings and artisan boutiques. We will visit many spectacular places today, such as cathedrals, museums, and of course we will stroll along the legendary Old Port of Marseille. Let's jump right in, shall we? Please follow your navigation to our first place. I'll meet you there!

Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Historic America & UCPlaces' audio bicycling tour of revolutionary Paris! I'm your tour guide, Aaron Killian. Today we'll be biking through the revolutionary landscape of the city of light! We will wend our way through grand plazas, admire towering columns, enjoy the city's magnificent landmarks, and then – look beyond it all – to uncover the bloody, boisterous, world changing historical events which took place on this grand stage. We can't wait to share the revolutionary story of Paris with you. Vive la revolution! To get started, make your way to the Velib Metropole bike sharing station on the southern edge of the Place de la Bastille just off the Boulevard Bordon. It should be easy to find because it's a short walk from the metro and close by the public toilets. How convenient! I'll see you there in a flush to begin our ride.