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Explore 1 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in Texarkana

Egyptian Museum

Hello there and welcome to this UCPlaces Where to Live Tour of Texarkana, Texas. My name is Shelly and I’ll be showing you around this amazing city. Texarkana is a two-county region with Texarkana, Texas on one side and Texarkana, Arkansas on the other. There are a few stories that explain where the name comes from. One says it was named after a Red River Steamboat. Another legend states that the name came from a cocktail called “Texarkana Bitters.” Yet another story is that a railroad surveyor just made up the name. Who knows, and it probably doesn’t matter. Let’s go check this place out for ourselves. Are you ready? Great! Oh, before I forget - We will be ending the tour at a fun park so you may want to pick up some lunch to eat there! Ok, Meet me right in front of the 1894 Gallery and City Market on 105 Olive Street. Your navigation will guide you in. See you soon!