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Explore 4 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in Boston

Egyptian Museum

Looking for a fun and flexible way to experience Boston's Freedom Trail? Or maybe you were looking for a freedom trail map? Well, we've got something better. Enjoy our self-guided GPS audio walking tour. Start, stop, continue whenever you like, it's up to you. Explore Boston on your own terms! This tour covers the last few stops on the Freedom Trail which includes Bunker Hill and the USS Constitution. Obviously two stops don't make a tour so we found a plethora of additional sites to keep you happy. We found some parks, memorials, restaurants, old churches and even a really cool historic Fire House!

Egyptian Museum

Hello there and welcome to this UCPlaces Where to Live tour of Villages in Newton, Massachusetts, on behalf of local expert Lauren Brooks. Lauren’s clients say she is honest and dependable and has a creative eye for space. Her specialty is first-time home buyers, empty nesters, and investment property seekers. Lauren’s husband and teenage daughters have been in Newton for 18 years and they love the city, their neighborhood and the schools. She also loves older homes and figuring out their possibilities, and to prove it, Lauren has been spending time slowly restoring her 1880’s Victorian home. Lauren would love to help you find your perfect home so give her a call and let her do the heavy lifting! For now, enjoy this tour of Newton, Massachusetts. We will be starting at Crystal Lake. Just follow your navigation and I’ll meet you there!

Egyptian Museum

This scenic tour takes you on a relaxing walk around the beautiful Storrow Lagoon and finishes up with some amazing shopping on historic Newbury Street. Relaxing, then shopping - What a great combo!

Egyptian Museum

Check out all of the memorials, gardens, statues and historical moments in Boston Common! Plus learn some little-known facts along the way.