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Explore 2 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in Ashburn

Egyptian Museum

Ramzi Beidas and Amy Simone of Weichart Realty are proud to present this UCPlaces tour of the Top Restaurants in Ashburn, Virginia. Ramzi’s greatest satisfaction is helping people get their dream home. He's also a food enthusiast who loves Middle Eastern food, or just a good BBQ. Amy is his realtor partner and believes in bringing in a unique and personal edge to real estate. She’s also been a Virginia resident for over 25 years. If after this tour you want to learn more about the Ashburn area give either one of them a call. You can reach Amy at 703-728-4350 or email her at a.simone@weichert.com or give Ramzi a call at 201-375-0004 or email him at rbeidas@rbeidasrealtor.com.

Egyptian Museum

Hi! my name is Shelly and welcome to this UCPlaces tour of the Parks in Ashburn, Virginia on behalf of our local expert Anna Triviso. If after the tour you would like to see more of the Ashburn area, give Anna at (571) 417-0026 or send her an email at anna.triviso@pearsonsmithrealty.com. Now a little about Ashburn! Ashburn is nestled only 30 miles northwest of Washington, DC, making it a hub for commuters and employees of the area. Ashburn is often nicknamed the “bullseye of America's Internet” due to the many data centers that are in the area. Aside from being home to many high-tech businesses, Ashburn is also home to the Washington Football Team’s training facility. To get started with the tour, meet me over by Trailside Park.