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Places (POIs) visited during this tour

Place #1
Distance: 1.75mi , Attraction : 购物,壁画
Map Pin
Azapkapı, Tersane Cd. No:10, 34421 Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Türkiye
POI 2 Tour Image







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Place #2
Distance: 1.30mi , Attraction : 博物馆和图书馆
Map Pin
Bereketzade, Bankalar Cd. No:10, 34421 Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Türkiye
POI 10 Tour Image
SALT Galata
我们左边的建筑是SALT Galata,这是位于卡拉科伊区的一个文化机构。它是更广泛的SALT机构的一部分,涵盖了多个场所,致力于当代艺术、研究和公共项目。这座建筑本身具有丰富的历史,最初建于19世纪末,用于容纳奥斯曼银行。

SALT Galata所在的建筑是一座新古典主义建筑,曾是奥斯曼银行的主要分行。其建筑风格反映了曾经沿银行街排列的银行机构的宏伟气势。这座建筑经过修复和改建,变成了一个现代文化空间。

SALT是一个致力于当代艺术、研究和文化参与的机构。除了SALT Galata外,伊斯坦布尔的贝约卢区还有另一个场所SALT Beyoğlu。这些空间共同举办展览、活动和教育项目。

SALT Galata定期举办展览,展示当代艺术、设计和各种跨学科实践。该机构以其多样化和发人深省的展览而闻名,常常探索与土耳其和更广泛地区的文化和社会背景相关的主题。

SALT Galata包含一个重要的图书馆和档案馆,提供与艺术、建筑、设计和文化研究相关的广泛资料。图书馆向研究人员、学生和公众开放,为SALT对研究和教育的承诺做出贡献。


SALT Galata设有一家咖啡厅和一家书店,游客可以在那里放松、吃点东西,或探索与艺术和文化相关的精选出版物。

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Tour itinerary stops | Additional places you'll see on this self-guided tour

Map Pin Place 1 卡拉科伊区
Map Pin Place 2 SALT Galata
Map Pin Place 3 卡蒙多阶梯
Map Pin Place 4 加拉塔塔
Map Pin Place 5 土耳其犹太人博物馆
Map Pin Place 6 独立大街
Map Pin Place 7 梅夫莱维博物馆和舞动的托钵僧
Map Pin Place 8 加拉塔萨雷高中
Map Pin Place 9 法国街
Map Pin Place 10 土耳其浴场
Map Pin Place 11 鲜花巷
Map Pin Place 12 塔克西姆广场
Map Pin Place 13 沃达丰体育场
Map Pin Place 14 多尔玛巴赫切宫殿
Map Pin Place 15 多尔玛巴赫切钟楼
Map Pin Place 16 博斯普鲁斯海峡
Map Pin Place 17 加拉塔港海滨长廊和码头
Map Pin Place 18 伊斯坦布尔现代艺术博物馆

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How to take a UCPlaces tour
Taking a UCPlaces tour is fun and easy.
Download the app (Android or iOS), purchase the tour (either here on the website, or from within the app).
That's it, you're ready to go!
When you want to start the tour, find the tour in the app (via a quick in-app search or by clicking the tour link received in your confirmation email) and click "Start Tour" (headphones recommended for best experience.)
* After purchasing a tour you will receive a purchase confirmation email including the tour link and instructions on how to take the tour, so you don't have to remember anything now.
How does the tour work?
UCPlaces acts as your personal tour guide, providing self-guided audio tours fully navigated within our app using GPS-based navigation. You won't need to switch between external navigation apps.
Whenever you approach a point of interest (POI) on the tour, our app will automatically play the relevant audio story at the right time and place.
If you start the tour before reaching the first POI, the app will navigate you to the starting point and then begin the tour.
How is this more convenient than a traditional tour?
UCPlaces offers an innovative and flexible way to explore exciting destinations on your terms.
Here are some key advantages over traditional tours:
  • No need to commit upfront or purchase in advance; buy a tour only when you're ready to go.
  • Walk at your own pace.
  • No waiting for groups; go on your schedule.
  • Take the tour in your preferred language.
  • Start, stop and continue the tour whenever you want.
  • Returning to the same destination? Take the tour again, and again, and again... And bring a friend!
  • Enjoy preferred prices.

What's included?
  • A self-guided audio tour taken via the UCPlaces app [Android / iOS (iPhone) / Apple CarPlay].
  • Tour route map and in-app GPS navigation (via the UCPlaces app).
  • Audio stories for places visited during the tour.
  • Apple CarPlay connection (for iOS users); for a seamless driving tour experience.
What's NOT included?
  • Earphones (highly recommended).
  • Smartphone.
  • Any kind of transportation (including tickets and passes).
  • Tickets to the attractions on your tour.
  • Food and drinks
  • Physical tour guide.